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 DH51 (Non Feature DH)
Readers Rating: No. of Ratings: 1 
Distance: 75.1 km / 46.6 mi Traffic: Very Light

Video is optimized for broadband access. Wide-angle lenses used to record video straighten the curves out. For a truer sense of twistiness watch the mirror dip .

At a Glance

A close look at a map raises the existential question: why is this road here? A sweeping, beautifully engineered route, with three lanes of sleek, newer pavement for almost half its length, the well-spaced curves of this DH cut haphazardly through patches of struggling forest and grassland on some of the most remote reaches of the vast Thompson Plateau. There are no towns, no services, and quicker alternative routes. So what gives? The answer: copper. This highway provides the access to some of B.C.’s largest mining operations. But there’s good news -- at the time of this riding, unemployment in B.C.’s resource economy is at an all-time high! No jobs means no traffic. Hey, for every cloud....


Riders Reviews:

"Enjoyable in either direction but this road is best ridden west to east from Ashcroft. The pavement is very good and the corners fast. The temperature can change rapidly as you ascend, so be prepared for a chill after the dry heat of the valley. Stop at Highland Valley Copper for a tour and see one of the largest open pit mines in North America."-Jason Elliott